Few visitors
✔ Unlimited number of pages
✔ Less than 100 thousand visitors a month
X Hosting is on Economic Server
✔ Limited technical support (operational)
✔ Includes usage reports
✔ Audio reader with narration and description systems
X Sub Domains are Not Included.
★ Does not include the Virtual Sign Language Interpreter feature.
Average number of visitors and main Domain only
✔ Unlimited number of pages
✔ Less than 500 thousand visitors a month
✔ Hosting on an advanced server
✔ Full technical support
✔ Includes usage reports
✔ Audio reader with narration and description systems
X Sub Domains are Not Included.
★ Does not include the virtual Sign Language Interpreter feature.
Large number of visitors, Government agencies
✔ Unlimited number of pages
✔ Less than one million visitors a month
✔ Hosting on an advanced server
✔ Full technical support
✔ Includes usage reports
✔ Audio reader with narration and description systems
✔ Three subdomains are supported if they are owned by the same legal entity and with content and structure similar to the main domain
★ Does not include the virtual Sign Language Interpreter feature.
With Sign Language Avatar
✔Add the default translator for sign language.
✔ Achieving the highest international standards for digital accessibility and ease of access to electronic content for people with disabilities and the elderly
✔Levels of excellence in innovation for government sites and major institutions